Being aware of the information in your business credit file and making sure that it is up-to-date is one step you can take to help lenders understand your company and its creditworthiness when considering a loan application.
CreditSignal is a FREE tool, which shows your D&B PAYDEX® Score, Financial Stress Score, Delinquency Predictor Score, and Supplier Evaluation Risk Rating for 14 days, then provides alerts to directional changes to these scores. Get alerts to changes in your file, such as changes to inquiries and events—information that lenders and other businesses that may be accessing your file can see.
Your business credit scores and ratings can play a critical role
in your companies success. The better they are, the better your chances may be in securing the financing, contracts, customers and supplies you need to grow. That's why it's important to not only know what's in your business credit file, but to also be able to monitor and manage your scores and ratings, so you can start building towards a brighter future.
Dun & Bradstreet offers a variety of online tools to help you manage your business credit with 24/7 access to view information in your business credit file, as well as the ability to potentially impact your scores and ratings.
Real Estate Investment Capital Funding
5900 Balcones Drive Ste.100
Austin Texas 78731
(888) 379-1114
*All loans R.E.I. Capital Funding brokers, are funded by proud members of the American Association of Private Lenders.